Since 2005. Art for the People.
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Featured artist: Michelle Waters 
Opens Saturday, June 8 at 5p with a reception in Los Angeles. For questions or to RSVP to the reception, contact
Participating artists: Donna Abbate, Douglas Alvarez, Ulla Anobile, Julie B., Christine Benjamin, Terri Berman, Jon Ching, Carol Connett, Ghilly DeYoung, Amy Guidry, Michele Guieu, Annette Hassell, Lydia Moon Hee Kim, Chad Knapik, Mavis Leahy, Kahla Lewis, Samantha Mullen, Janet Olenik, Brittni Paul, Caitlin Peck, Sarah Polzin, Tania Pomales, Olga Ponomarenko, Asante Riverwind, Ben Robertson, Bonnie Robinson Stewart (Huggable Koi), Kelly Thompson, Emily Wenner and Holly Wood

The life-sustaining waters of Earth's oceans and rivers have always captured human imaginations and fed our spirits. Now the waters we depend upon for our lives are imperiled from climate change, overfishing, the endangerment of marine species and plastic pollution to name a few.
This exhibit will showcase art that celebrates the deep connection that humans have to our oceans and rivers and their creatures, as well as art that is dedicated to healing our oceans and rivers from years of neglect and abuse, and the emotions that oceans and rivers inspire in us.
While marine animals depend on rivers and oceans for their lives, we humans also need healthy waterways to sustain us physically and spiritually.
Michelle will be donating part of the proceeds from art sales to Sea Shepherd and Turtle Island Restoration Network.

The gallery is open to installment plans to help you grow your collection. Contact for information on interest free installment plans.