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Cactus Gallery LA


$ 0.00

Group show featuring Ulla Anobile
Opens online April 22, 2023

Do you have a favorite bird story: a fairytale, folktale, poem, superstition, saying, song? Or maybe you have a bird story from your own life?

Is there a species of bird you especially love, or one that fills you with apprehension, even fear? Do you keep returning to a tale about a mythical bird, finding new layers of meaning in the ancient tale?

The world is full of bird stories, and we’re inviting you to hear bird stories from some of our favorite artists.

Participating artists: Donna Abbate, Denise Bledsoe, Disfairy, Rosie Garcia, Mavis Leahy, Gioconda Pieracci (Pupillae Art Dolls), Sarah Polzin, Carisa Swenson, Patrick Thai, Michelle Waters

* The gallery is open to installment plans to help you grow your collection.

* Listed price does not include shipping fee. Shipping cost will be calculated on an individual basis once address is confirmed. It will be invoiced separately.

* Art purchases can be mailed most anywhere (see above), picked up in Eagle Rock (Northeast Los Angeles, CA) or delivered if within 10 miles of Eagle Rock, CA.

Contact for pre-sale info.
#birdstories2023 #cactusgalleryla

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