Cactus Gallery LA
Flight of Fancy Fish by artist Annette Hassell
Acrylic/ink on linen, 6” x 12”
For my decorative little painting “Flight of Fancy Fish”, I thought about the process that we, as artists, go through in our minds as we try and determine what it is that we are going to paint (this time). For me, it usually starts with just thinking about something completely unrelated to painting…like fish… I like goldfish….no wait…goldfish trapped in a bowl? That seems unkind…. how about those fish in “Fantasia”? I loved them…they were magical…I bet you couldn’t keep them in any bowl…and so on. Sometimes these musings lead down rather unpleasant avenues-dark corners that want to be brought to light-and then other times, the musings are much simpler, and result in images of magical, flying fancy fish, but they always lead somewhere. ~ Annette Hassell