Tiny Treasures X, 2015

This popular cash-and-carry style exhibit includes handmade ornaments, small sculptures, handcrafted jewelry, embroidery, watercolor, drawings, oil, acrylic and mixed media paintings, paper mache, assemblage, wearable pins, hand painted notebooks, handcrafted stockings and more. All works priced $10 to $100.
Participating artists:
Donna Abbate, Douglas Alvarez, Joe Alvarez & Erin Campbell, Ulla Anobile, Julie B., Lea Barozzi, Elisa Belloni, Christine Benjamin, Terri Berman, Denise Bledsoe, Andrea Bogdan, Lacey Bryant, Joe Carrion, Chloe Ching, Jeff Claassen, Bibi Davidson, Ashley Fisher, Eden Folwell, Rosie Garcia, Brenda Paola Gomez, Walt Hall, KHowell, Rasa Jadzeviciene, Brooke Kent, Randy Kono, Patricia Krebs, Mavis Leahy, Jian Lee, Ann Lim, Candace McKay, Jazmin Molina, Andrea Monroe, Nichol Norman, Daisuke Okamoto, Roger O’Leary-Archer, Janet Olenik, Oxley and Mortimer Jewelry, Vera Paras, Sarah Polzin, Johnny Quintanilla, Jen Raven, Bobby Rojas, Salvage Art Sweetheart, Lena Sayadian, Kelly Thompson, YiShu Wang, Nicole Waszak, Michelle Waters, Bill Wheeler, Holly Wood, Gabriela Zapata and more.